How to know If your teen needs counseling?

two girls are on the beach, looking at the camera. She gets online therapy for teens in Florida and counseling for teens in Miami, FL with a teen therapist at The Heard counseling to cope with anxiety symptoms, her body image and her depression.

No parent wants to think that there is anything “wrong” with their teenager. It can be heartbreaking to see your child struggling with their emotions or challenges in life. You just want them to be happy but you have noticed changes in their behavior- they are no longer that happy, capable child that you once knew. We know that going to counseling can have a stigma but counseling for teens can be really helpful for them. In teen therapy, teenagers can learn new coping strategies to help them cope better and teen therapy can also be beneficial for them to have someone outside of their family to talk to and develop a relationship with- a teen therapist can be that person.


If you are concerned that your teenager might need counseling, here are a few things to look out for. If you notice that your teen is not opening up to you, your teen might have anxiety, they might be self-harming or their behavior has drastically changed, it might be a good time to start looking into counseling. Finding a teen therapist that they feel comfortable can be the key to success in counseling.  

Teen Doesn’t Talk to Me

One reason that you might consider that your teen needs counseling is if they refuse to connect or share with you. Though it is normal for you teenager to want space and privacy, if there is a consistent pattern of their refusal to engage with you, you might want to consider counseling so that they have that outlet to share with someone about what is going on in their life. Being a teenager is hard. In today’s world it can be even tougher. A counselor can be there for them when they are struggling with relationships, friends, college admissions, grades, family dynamics as the therapist can support them to develop life-long skills of resiliency.

Teen is laughing with her friend outside. She has just finished her therapy session with her online therapy for teens in Florida with a teen therapist at The Heard Counseling.

 Teen Has Anxiety

Anxiety might look different in teenagers or they might not verbalize to you that they feel anxious. Maybe they went on a trip with a friend’s family to the Florida Keys for the weekend and while they were away they were calling you a lot saying that they want to come home. Or maybe your teen’s grades start getting worse as she describes feeling nervous before big exams. Or maybe, your teenager says that the she sometimes has trouble breathing, has stomach aches or feels her heart pumping really fast if she has to do something that she doesn’t feel comfortable.  Whatever the case is, listen and watch out for the symptoms of anxiety in a teenager.

Symptoms of Anxiety in Teenagers

Watch out for these symptoms of anxiety in your teen:

·      upset stomach

·      dizziness

·       sweating

·      rapid heartbeat

·      Negative body image

·      Negative thoughts

·      Anger

·      Irritability

·      Constantly worried or stressed

·      On edge

·      Difficult concentrating

·      Changes in sleep or eating


Teen Is Self-Harming

If you discover that your child is self-harming then it is important that your teenager gets the help they need to find alternative coping mechanisms. Counseling can help them process their pain and their intense emotions in a way that does not involve self-harm. At times it can be hard to know if your teenager is self-harming. You might notice that they are wearing loads of bracelets to cover their arms, or that they refuse to show their arms or upper thighs. You want to approach finding out if they are self-harming from a place of curiosity and care and never blame. If you do discover that your teen is self-harming then it can be an important time to get them to a teen therapist.

Teenager looks at herself in the mirror. She struggles with body issues and anxiety and is seeing a teen therapist at the Heard Counseling for teen counseling in Miami.

Teenager has Body Issues and is Restricting Foods

Being a teenager in this era of social media is really challenging. Filters and altered photos place high beauty standards on both female and male teenagers. If you notice that your teenager has really low self-esteem or they are constantly talking negative about how they look then it could be beneficial for you teenager to go therapy. You also want to pay attention to their eating habits. If you are concerned that they are restricted foods, not eating enough or eating more at certain times, then it can be important for them to see a teen therapist.

Teen Behavior Has Changed

You know your teenager best. If you noticed that their behavior has recently changed, maybe recently they have suddenly become more agitated or frustrated, then it can be a good time to find them a teen therapist. If you are concerned about your teenager, monitor their behavior for a week. If you feel like it is getting worse and not better than it might be time to reach out to local therapists in the area and find a teen therapist in Miami or online in Florida that you think your teen would be comfortable with.


Teen Counseling in Miami and Online Teen Counseling in Florida

We offer counseling for teenagers in Miami and online therapy for teens in Florida. We work together with the parents and the teenager to create a treatment plan for teenagers that will help them feel like themselves again and support important change in their life. Teen counseling can be an important tool for teenagers if they are struggling with anxiety, they are self-harming, they are struggling with body image issues and especially if you have noticed that their behavior has changed recently. We are here to help.

Begin Counseling for Teens in Miami, FL:

Teen counseling can be an important tool for teenagers if they are struggling with anxiety, they are self-harming, they are struggling with body image issues and especially if you have noticed that their behavior has changed recently. We are here to help. To begin online therapy in Florida, follow these steps:

  1. Contact our South Florida counseling center,

  2. Request an initial consultation appointment with an online therapist

  3. Allow yourself the opportunity to heal and find peace through counseling.


The Heard Counseling offers psychological counseling that supports your mental health and change in your life. We offer counseling for teens, adults, couples, and families at our therapy center based in Miami, Florida. We offer all of our services via online therapy in Florida . In addition to teen counseling, they also offer postpartum anxiety and postpartum anxiety treatment, birth trauma treatment, therapy for moms, therapy for dads, infertility counseling, and therapy for women and families who have experienced pregnancy and infant loss. Check out their blog for valuable mental health tips.  Reach out to their counseling office to learn more about the many ways they can help you live well.


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