What does therapy look like for Moms with Postpartum Depression and Anxiety?

A Mom who is dealing with Postpartum Depression sits with her baby on the ground, after attending counseling at the Heard Counseling with a therapist that works with new Moms and Dads in Miami, Fl.

It can be hard to come to terms with the idea that you might need help postpartum. Maybe you weren’t honest with yourself for months after having your baby, but you have come to terms with your thoughts and feelings and are ready to get help. It can be nerve-wracking to not know what therapy will look like, especially because there are already so many unknowns after having a baby. Here we walk you through the general stages in therapy with our therapists who are working with Moms and/or Dads with Postpartum Depression and Postpartum Anxiety.

First Stage of Therapy for Moms with Postpartum Depression and Postpartum Anxiety

The first step during the recovery process for Moms who are dealing with Postpartum Depression and Postpartum Anxiety is safety. We want to ensure that they feel safe in their own bodies and in their own minds, as well as if they feel that their family is safe. This is not to place blame on the mother in saying that their family is not safe because of her- this is just to ensure that all parties are secure. It is also during this stage that immediate needs are addressed, such as extreme lack of sleep. There is a hierarchy of needs for every human being and when the most basic needs are not being met, then it is hard to address any of the other needs. Basic needs are correct nutrition, sleep, shelter and support. It is during this stage that we often brainstorm with the mother and her partner ways that we can ensure that the mother and partner are receiving their basic needs- or as much as possible. Often this time we will also provide resources to ensure that basic needs are being met.

During this stage we will also address acute symptoms that the mother is feeling related to postpartum depression and/or postpartum anxiety and find tools and coping mechanisms to help her with those acute symptoms. It is during this initial stage that we will often see some of the acute symptoms decrease or subside. Some acute symptoms might include, negative thoughts, suicidal thoughts, extreme anxiety or scary thoughts or intense rage and anger.

Dad is in therapy in Miami, Fl as he is a new Dad and is struggling with Postpartum Depression in Miami, Fl and is seeing an online therapist in miami, Fl for postpartum depression and postpartum anxiety.


Second Stage of Therapy for Moms with Postpartum Depression and Anxiety

It is often during this time that we begin to address more of the underlying factors that contribute to the development of postpartum depression and anxiety. It is important to note here that it is never ever your fault and there is nothing you did or do that caused you to develop postpartum depression or postpartum anxiety. There are many factors that are at play.

It is during this stage that there might be ups and downs related to recovery. Recovery is never linear, and you might have a great day or great week only to find the next day you feel like you have taken three steps back in your recovery from postpartum depression. The importance is that at this point you now know that you have new coping skills and new thought patterns that you have learned and developed in therapy to help you through a difficult moment or day. Recovery and healing through these ups and downs can build your confidence in your ability to cope.

Final Stage of Therapy for Moms with Postpartum Depression and Anxiety

The final stage of therapy for Moms or Dads with Postpartum Depression and Postpartum Anxiety focuses on that recovery of confidence. It is also during the time that grieving might take place and the processing of that grief. There can be grief related to the loss of your previous life, grief around the loss of the birth you wanted and subsequent c-section, or grief related to your breast-feeding journey that you did not get to experience. It is often through this processing of grief with your therapist that you able to develop new meanings behind what it means to be a mother, what it means to give birth and what it means to be someone who struggles and comes through the pain with support and help.

Mom and her son embrace after the mom went to therapy for moms in miami, Fl which addresses her postpartum depression with her therapist in miami, fl at the heard counseling

Begin Postpartum Anxiety and Postpartum Depression Treatment in Miami, FL:

The first few months and/or years after having a baby are really hard. You do not have to go through this alone. Our therapists specialize in providing therapy to mothers, fathers, adults, and couples who are experiencing challenges related to postpartum. To begin counseling in Miami or online therapy in Florida, please follow these steps:

  1. Contact our South Florida counseling center,

  2. Request an initial consultation appointment with a therapist who specializes in postpartum mood disorders,

  3. Find relief from the symptoms you’re experiencing so you can feel like yourself again, allowing yourself to be there for your child

Other Services Offered at The Heard Counseling:

The Heard Counseling offers counseling and therapy services for mothers, dads and couples that are going through challenges related to pregnancy, postpartum, and parenthood at our therapy center based in Miami, Florida. Right now, they are offering all their counseling services via online therapy. In addition to postpartum anxiety and postpartum depression treatment, they also offer birth trauma treatment, anxiety therapy, therapy for dads, therapy for moms, infertility counseling and support, therapy for women and families who have experienced pregnancy and infant loss, and counseling for teens. Check out their blog for valuable resources and tips related to postpartum depression and postpartum anxiety for Moms and Dads. Contact their counseling office to learn more about the many ways they can help you live well.


Tips for Finding a Therapist in Miami


4 common misconceptions about anxiety and anxiety treatment.