Five Tips for Self-Care During the Postpartum Period

You spent months being pregnant, preparing for your bundle of joy, and now that time is here – and it is overwhelming! You went from focusing on yourself, to now having to focus all of your time and energy on your little one – and it’s amazing! And, it is also exhausting, perhaps even a little terrifying! These feelings are all normal, but you don’t want to lose yourself in this new role that you have become.  It is incredibly important to remember that the key to success as a mother is to remember to take care of yourself, and make yourself a priority, as well! There’s a reason flight attendants tell you to put your face mask on first! However, the thought of doing something for you can seem impossible or selfish…It’s not! And here are a few tips for ways that you can practice self-care without feeling guilty!


Self Care Tip for New Moms During Postpartum Period: Rest and Family…

 Let’s be honest, having a baby, whether you are a first-time mom, or not – is exhausting! And anyone with a child knows that rest is hard to come by, so the first tip for self-care is to get as much rest as you can, whenever you can! If the baby goes down for a nap, allow yourself some time to lay down and close your eyes as well – even if there is laundry to be done, bottles to wash, and toys to be put away. It is important for you to allow yourself to rest and recharge whenever the opportunity presents itself. This brings me to my next self-care tip – accept help from friends and family!  If mother-in-law offers to come over and help clean up the house, or your best friend offers to watch the baby for a few hours, let them! Allow your friends and family to help you out! They offer because they care about you, and it will allow you to have some extra time for much-needed rest!


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Self Care Tip for New Moms During Postpartum Period: Meals and Exercise…


It is also incredibly important for you to take care of your body during this period – I mean, you did just give birth! Your body is recovering, and it needs your help.  Allow yourself to have healthy, well-balanced meals, incorporating a lot of protein.  This will ensure that you are giving your body all the things it needs to recover from giving birth.  If you are experiencing postpartum constipation, increasing the amount of fiber in your diet may help relieve that.  You will also want to remember to stay hydrated and drink lots of water.  While you are eating your well-balanced meals, you’ll also want to consider adding some sort of exercise to your routine; something to make you feel comfortable and feel good! This could be a yoga class a few days per week, walking in the morning, lifting weights for a few minutes, etc. Always consult with your doctor first to ensure that you are safe to begin being active. Whatever you choose to do, choose something that makes you happy and makes you feel good.


Self Care Tip for New Moms During Postpartum Period: Quality Time and Support Groups…


Being a mother can be extremely overwhelming and that is not unusual! You may be experiencing symptoms of postpartum anxiety or postpartum depression, or maybe you are just feeling incredibly sleep-deprived and stressed. Whatever you are feeling, it is imperative that you make quality time for your partner, because they are likely experiencing some of the same feelings that you are! Making time to spend quality time with your partner gives you both a break and time to appreciate each other again as individuals.  It may also be beneficial to join some mommy support groups to talk to other mothers that are likely experiencing similar feelings or have been through similar experiences so that you know you are not alone.  But bottom line is, if you are feeling strong feelings – it may be in your best interest to seek help from a therapist specializing in postpartum therapy.


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How We Can Help: We Offer Therapy for Postpartum Depression in Miami, FL and Counseling for Moms in Miami, FL

If you’ve tried practicing self-care and can’t seem to get the hang of it, or maybe you don’t exactly know where to start, we can help! We have a team of incredible therapists offering therapy for moms in Miami, FL! Our team specializes in working with mothers experiencing a plethora of symptoms ranging from anxiety to depression, to stress and overwhelm! If you are experiencing postpartum depression in Miami or are seeking postpartum anxiety treatment in Miami – our team of caring and compassionate experts would love to speak to you about what we can offer to help!


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How Marital Problems Can Be Connected to Your Anxiety


Coping with Scary Thoughts and Postpartum Anxiety