How Marital Problems Can Be Connected to Your Anxiety

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Anxiety is a tricky emotion to manage because it isn’t logical. People that struggle with anxiety tend to “fall down the rabbit hole” and their thoughts can spiral out of control. This can lead to sadness, anger, feelings of being overwhelmed, etc.  All of these emotions pile up and you get stuck in the cycle of anxiety and negative emotions!  This makes their thoughts feel unhealthy for themselves, and particularly unhealthy in relationships. Marital problems are not uncommon, but many people fail to recognize that their marital problems may be caused by their anxiety or that their anxiety can contribute to their marital problems! Because people with anxiety tend to spiral and experience a lot of negative emotions – their partner often doesn’t know how best to help, and it ends up in arguments.  If you feel like you and your partner are stuck in this cycle, it may be beneficial to seek marriage counseling. In the meantime, here are some ways that your marital problems can be connected to your anxiety…


How Marital Problems Can Be Connected to Your Anxiety: Anxiety Increases Your Irritability…


Anxiety is a very uncomfortable emotion to experience.  Physically speaking, anxiety makes our nervous system go into overdrive.  This means that when we are experiencing anxiety, our brain and body are telling us that there is a threat and we need to enact our “fight, flight, freeze” response.  When we are in that state of existing, it is very agitating and irritating, and in turn, things that wouldn’t normally make us upset or angry, do make us upset and angry! We become more irritable with our partner when we don’t mean to be – and it’s because our mind and body are in a constant state of “danger”.  Not to mention, anxiety tends to disrupt our sleep and doesn’t typically allow for us to reach the REM sleep pattern.  This means that although we are sleeping, we aren’t sleep restfully.  My bet is that if you struggle with managing anxiety, when you wake up in the morning – you still feel tired! This can also make us more irritable because our brain is trying to process the world without enough rest! If you are experiencing anxiety, increased irritability, or marital struggles – it may be a good idea to seek out the help of a therapist that can help you manage your individual anxiety and help improve communication with your partner!


How Marital Problems Can Be Connected to Your Anxiety: Anxiety Can Cause Irrational Worry…

When we struggle with symptoms of anxiety, we tend to worry about things that normally might seem irrational.  We may worry that we didn’t lock the house, even though we triple checked.  We may worry that our partner is upset with us, even though there’s no reason for them to be.  Or we may worry that our partner is cheating, even though they’ve never cheated before.  Now, these worries aren’t always irrational – but if these aren’t things that have ever happened before, or there is really no reason to be concerned about these things, anxiety could be the culprit.  This may cause us to argue more with our partner, withdraw from our partner, etc.  Irrational worrying is never conducive to a healthy relationship, and therefore can absolutely be contributing to marital problems! If this is the case, seeking out marriage counseling and individual counseling could be very helpful!


How Anxiety can Impact your Marriage: Anxiety Can Cause Catastrophic Thinking…


Catastrophic thinking is defined as thinking the worst-case scenario is going to happen or is happening in every single situation.  For example, if you are experiencing catastrophic thinking – you might worry that you are going to get into a car accident and die every time you get into a car. The likelihood is that happening, is small – but your brain automatically goes in that direction.  This can absolutely contribute to marital problems both directly and indirectly! You may think the worst-case scenario every time your partner works late, or the catastrophic thinking gets to be exhausting for your partner, which can lead to your partner withdrawing from you, or an increase in arguing!  You want to be able to communicate effectively with your partner, without letting your anxiety get in the way. And you want to be a healthy and positive individual not only for yourself but for your partner as well! It’s important to remember that even though your marital problems may be connected to your anxiety – this isn’t something to blame yourself for!


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How We Can Help: We Offer Online Anxiety Therapy in Florida, Anxiety Counseling in Miami, FL

At this practice we value individuals and appreciate that every individual’s experience is unique! We want to help individuals and couples work through marital problems and struggles with anxiety. We have an extraordinary team of therapists offering couples therapy in Miami, FL and online couples therapy in Miami, FL! Our team is dedicated to helping you and your partner work through these concerns! Therefore, whether you are seeking marriage counseling in Miami, FL or anxiety therapy in Miami, FL – we are the practice to check out! We want to help you get back on track and learn to manage your symptoms of anxiety, while also helping you and your partner work through some of your marital concerns as well! We offer incredible marriage counseling in Miami, and anxiety therapy in Miami – if you are looking for either or considering either, please don’t hesitate to reach out!


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