How Postpartum Depression Impacts Your Marriage
April Brown April Brown

How Postpartum Depression Impacts Your Marriage

Being in a relationship when you feel like your partner is distant, withdrawing from you, or acting like they aren’t themselves is incredibly difficult. Now, add in the stress of being a new parent and this is likely too much to handle. Life with a partner struggling with postpartum depression can leave you feeling helpless, lonely, and confused. You aren’t alone!

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3 Tips to Help My Anxiety
April Brown April Brown

3 Tips to Help My Anxiety

f you are like 99% of America, you’ve struggled with feelings of anxiety at one point in your life. And what’s more likely is that you’ve struggled with anxiety multiple times in your life, or even chronically. Anxiety can be one of the most difficult struggles to manage because it is often associated with stress and can be completely crippling.

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Depression After Birth Trauma
April Brown April Brown

Depression After Birth Trauma

Birth trauma is something that is incredibly difficult, something that happens more often than you think, but is very infrequently discussed. There is so much stigma surrounding birth trauma and the subsequent emotions that come along with it, such as, anxiety, depression, fear, guilt, etc. And because there is so much stigma, people tend to experience these feelings alone.

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